
Technology Recap for 2011…

2011 was a huge year for technology! New devices hit the market, social media was used in revolutionary ways & old hats tried their hand at new things. Here’s our recap of the tech highs and lows of 2011…

1) Death of Steve Jobs:

This was certainly no highlight of 2011 but Steve’s untimely death gave everyone in the world a minute to think about his legacy. We re-read his wise words, discussed his demanding management style & daydreamed about Apple’s future without him.

2) Cloud Computing:

The cloud must be one of the most-used phrases of 2011. As more and more of us walk around with powerful computers in our pockets, more companies are finding ways to utilize the power of the cloud to expand their mobile reach.

3) Technology & the Arab Spring:

Tunisia, Egypt and Libya saw incredible revolutionary activity in 2011 & technology played a key role in the uprisings. Social media like Facebook & Twitter helped demonstrators organize organically and played an inspiring role in their move towards freedom.

4) Year of the Tablet:

Tablets were the it technology of the year. From the iPad 2 to the Samsung Galaxy Tab, if you don’t own one by now, it’s likely that you know someone who does. Let’s not forget the Kindle Fire either, which marked a milestone with Amazon’s entry into the tablet wars.

5) Social Media Competition:

The success or failure of Google+ is still to be determined but Google’s attempt to challenge the blue giant was a bold move. By acting as a fusion of Twitter & Facebook, Google tried to draw users away from the latter; many have argued Facebook has too much momentum to face a real threat from G+.

6) Cyber Monday:

Online shopping got its moment in the limelight with Cyber Monday, the Internet’s answer to Black Friday. While not the first year that Cyber Monday has been hyped by online stores, this year it got a real boost & made a name for itself.

7) 3-D Phones:

Making the sci-fi dreams of decades ago a reality, 2011 saw the rise of consumer 3-D mobile phones & televisions. Glasses-free phones like the HTC Evo 3D took the dazzle of modern smart phones one step further, while Toshiba, Sony & Panasonic all manufactured 3-D TVs.

8) HTML 5:

The war between Adobe & Apple over Flash may finally be over, as Flash takes a backseat to HTML 5. Microsoft revealed in 2011 that aspects of Windows 8 wouldn’t support flash & Adobe announced that it would quit supporting flash for mobile devices.

9) SOPA Proposition:

As I write this, Wikipedia & several of my favorite blogs stand blacked-out, in solidarity against the SOPA antipiracy bill which was introduced to Congress in late 2011. This bill would give power to copyright holders to pull the plug on sites that link to copyrighted material (like Wikipedia). Critics say that enforcement of SOPA will be impossible & that the open web and all its resources will be irrevocably harmed if this becomes law.

10) High Profile Hackers:

2011 saw the Playstation network brought down for weeks by hackers, not to mention San Francisco’s BART transit system & Bank of America. Groups like Anonymous & LulzSec were behind some of the hacking; other acts weren’t attributed to particular groups.

Sources: Gizmo, IBTimes.

Analysis of the Revolution: Social Media Organizations (guest blogger)…


Reposted with permission from Warigia. The original article can be found here…

The Social Media Organization, by Mustafa El-Azzi

If I were asked to present a ‘Leader of the Egyptian Revolution’ award to an individual/organization, I would present it to the “Social Media Organization.” (SMO) I have created this imaginary organization because I think there have been three key social media players in the Egyptian revolution: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. According to the International Committee for journalists, “Twitter and Facebook were key tools in bringing down two dictators – and they helped change how the world now perceives the Middle East…” (ICFJ.org). These organizations have helped Egyptians get closer towards a democratic change in their country even though Egypt country has been suppressed politically, economically and socially for many years.

The former government regime tried to suppress the Egyptian protesters during the revolution by any means necessary. However, the Social Media Organization created a platform where the Egyptian people could exchange and express their opinions and raise their voices to be heard so action takes place. The protesters played an effective role conveying what was happening on the field where no news reporters were able to go. Official media tried to hide some facts due to political reasons but social networks revealed this trickery. Demonstrators used to send videos and photos to be broadcasted through prominent Arab channels such as Al Arabiya. Social networks empowered the Egyptian people and supported their voice. In a way, we can say that the Social Media Organization did connect with the Egyptian people effectively and helped them overcome difficulties that their government tried to throw on them.

The players of SMO played the Egyptian revolution game well. They helped Egyptian protesters to have their calls answered for major demonstrations. One adaptive challenge that this organization faced during the demonstrations is the time in which no journalists were able to enter Tahrir Square. Journalists were unable to carry out an extensive coverage of what was happening to their news agencies so the world can follow up on what is happening during the Egyptian revolution. So how did SMO react?

The organization did face one of the four faces of danger discussed in H&L book “Leadership on the Line.” It was ‘attacked’ by the Egyptian government through trying to disconnect the internet so its people no longer communicate through Facebook, but that deactivated the role of one player only. We may call this an adaptive challenge which the Social Media Organization resolved quickly and successfully: YouTube swooped in to carry on the role Facebook did. The Egyptian people used their mobile phones to videotape what used to happen then send those videos through their mobiles to prominent Arab news channels such as Al-Arabiya and Al-Jazeera. Those channels then broadcasted as many of these videos as possible. “…the world received a vivid picture [with the help of social media] of what was happening on the ground despite the government attempt to shut down the Internet” (ICFJ.org).

The Social Media Organization has shown us the effective role a leader can play to create a good change in a society. It has empowered people and allowed them to express their opinions and feelings about their land. It has given them the opportunity to knock down a paralyzed government system that has existed for years. Most importantly, it has shown them the power of hope. “The January 25 revolution in Egypt gained a major foothold with the application of social media tools like Facebook and Twitter. Since the existence of media, individuals have used it to demand more governmental transparency and mobilize allies.” (Morrison, 2011).

1.Heifetz, Ron, and Martin Linsky (2002). Leadership on the Line. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press.
2.“The “Democratization of the Media” Leads to Greater Democracy in the Middle East.” ICFJ.org. http://storify.com/icfj/the-democratization-of-the-media-leads-to-greater-
3.Seib, Philip (2005). “Reconnecting the World: How New Media Technologies May Help Change Middle East Politics.” Journal of Transnational Broadcasting Studies. The Adham Center for Electronic Journalism, the American University in Cairo. http://www.tbsjournal.com/Archives/Fall05/Seib.html
4.Morrison, Thomas (2011). “Social Media Sparks Egyptian Revolution.” Social Networking News Daily. http://socialnetworkingnewsdaily.com/social-networking/social-media-sparks-egyptian-revolution/
5.Thistlethwaite, Susan (2011). “The Power of Truth: Egypt and the Reaffirmation of Nonviolent Political Change.” http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/02/egypt_nonviolence.html

Governing the Egyptian Internet…


Reposted with permission from Warigia. The original article can be found here…

Governing the Egyptian Internet…

Dr. Warigia Bowman (Submitted to the Cairo Review, so I hold copyright!)

February 28, 2011

In a futile effort to cling to power and quell dissent, Mubarak’s government used many avenues to restrict or control information during the January 25th Revolution, including shutting down the Internet on January 27th.  By January 29th, 91% of Egypt’s Internet networks were down. [1] What does the Egyptian Government’s decision to shut down the Internet mean for information governance globally?

What Happened?

Multiple methods were used to take Egypt offline. To get access to the rest of the Internet, Egyptian Internet Service Providers (ISPs) need a “gateway”:  a physical link to other ISPs outside of Egypt, which ISPs lease from the Egyptian Government. [2] First, the government asked Internet Service Providers to disconnect their services or lose their licenses. [3] As the ISPs complied with the government’s order,  network addresses within Egypt became unreachable. [4] To its credit, Vodafone resisted, until, in the words of the New York Times, “it was obliged to comply.” [5]

Had ISPs chosen not to comply, Telecom Egypt could have physically cut off connection to the network at the gateway level, which would have severely disrupted traffic in other countries. [6] In addition the government reportedly took down Egyptian country code Domain Name Servers, [7] halting all traffic to and from local sites. [8] Finally, Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) [9] were disabled, severing in-country connectivity. [10]


With the Internet down, Egypt seemed cut off from the world. The sense of disconnection was heightened because the government had shut off mobile texting and twitter, pulled Al Jazeera Arabic TV, and even stopped all mobile telephony temporarily.  Egyptian business was devastated, untold millions of dollars were lost from electronic transactions, and the banking system and stock exchange were crippled.

Shutting off the Internet is not a new tactic during civil unrest, but the scope of the Mubarak government’s effort was unprecedented. According to the Open Net Initiative, similar blockades have been imposed by Burma, Nepal and China. [11] Colonel Qaddaffi has mimiced Mubarak’s actions, creating an information blackout in Tripoli. [12]

The Mubarak government probably intended that shutting down the network would slow political agitation. Although we will never know the true impact, in fact it likely sped up the regime’s fall. In the absence of new technologies, people were forced to rely on traditional means of communication, including knocking on doors, going to the Mosque, assembling in the street, or other central gathering places. Thomas Schelling (1960) won the Nobel prize for discovering that in the absence of information, people will coordinate by selecting a focal point that seems natural, special or relevant to them. Given the protests, Tahrir was the obvious focal point. By blocking the Internet the government inadvertently fueled dissent and galvanized international support for the people of Egypt.

Next Steps.

Both technological and policy solutions are urgently needed to respond to the autocratic blackouts imposed by Mubarak and Qadaffi. From a technological standpoint, activists in countries likely to experience similar problems should invest in “redundancy” as well as “distribution.” Redundancy is an information concept which emphasizes building multiple lines of communication, should one line fail. Distribution is the idea that more independent means of communication should be used, and should be distributed throughout multiple users, not centralized.

A blend of old and new information technologies is best for maintaining true connectivity. “Pen and paper” lists of staff, friends, landlines, mobile, home addresses and other key information to prevent isolation even if the Internet goes down. Further, robust and tested methods, such as FM and shortwave radio are an outstanding means to communicate with the outside world.

The Internet network is inherently not governed. Yet, each player has a valuable role. January 27th teaches us that a move away from centralization, particularly in the presence of autocratic governments, is crucial. Universities and NGOs who can afford to do so should invest in Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs). VSATs provide independent wireless link connectivity through satellite, not cable connections. VSATs can only be forced to stop operating by physically disabling them.  In addition, ISPs should secure satellite links, or find other means to create non-vulnerable gateways. [13] ISPs must also decide at what point they choose to cooperate with government repression, and at what point they resist. January 27th suggests the market will reward those who take efforts to keep the network up.

The January 25th Revolution has powerfully demonstrated that social networks and the Internet can play a powerful role in empowering people and promoting democracy. [14] Yet, the January 27th shutdown demonstrates the fragility of access, particularly in countries with high governmental control. [15] Efforts should be made to expand Internet connectivity and computer access in rural, poor and remote areas throughout Egypt, the Middle East and Africa, so that future political movements can empower and mobilize the grassroots. Finally, activists and policy people should  demand that rights to telephony and Internet connectivity be incorporated into freedom of information guarantees.

[1] “Egypt Internet Shutdown Q& A,” ISOC Monthly Newsletter, February 2, 2011, available at [http://isoc.org/wp/newsletter?/p=3100]

[2] James Glanz and John Markoff, “Egypt Leaders Found “Off” Switch for Internet,” The New York Times, February 15, 2011.

[3] Matt Richtel, “Egypt Cuts Off Most Internet and Cell Service,” The New York Times, January 28, 2011,

[4] One of the only websites still active in the entire country was the AUC website.AUC owns the IP prefix announced by the AS8524. This connects with RAYA Telecom and Noor Data Networks. AUC was able to maintain very limited connectivity by switching between these two service providers. See, Claudio Squarcella, Roma Tre University, “Three Case Studies on the Egyptian Disconnection,” RIPE Labs, available at [http://labs.ripe.net/Members/csquare/three-case-studies-egyptian-disconnection]

[5] E-mail communication with L.Jean Camp, Professor of Informatics, University of Indiana, February 2, 2011.

[6] ISPs operate at level three in this diagram, whereas Telecom Egypt controls the gateway at levels 1 and 2. See Novell Connection Primer, available at [http://www.novell.com/info/primer/art/prim02.gif]

[7] Johnson, p. 2.

[8] ISOC Newsletter, p. 2.

[9] Fahim, p. 3.

[10] E-mail communication with Timothy McGinnis, African Internet Infrastructure Consultant and Ambassador to the World Summit on Information Society Ambassador, February 18, 2011.

[11] ISOC Newsletter, p. 3; Richtel, page 1; Bobbie Johnson, “How Egypt Switched off the Internet,” Gigaom.com, January 28, 2011, available at [http://gigaom.com/2011/01/28/how-egypt-switched-off-the-internet/]

[12] Kareem Fahim and David D. Kirkpatrick, “Qadaffi’s Grip on the Capital Tightens as Revolt Grows,” The New York Times, February 22, 2011.

[13] E-mail communication with Badru Ntege, Systems Engineer, one2net, Uganda. February 16, 2011.

[14] Mohamed Abdel-Baky, Cyber-Revolution, Al Ahram Weekly, Available Online at [http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/print/2011/1034/sc30.html]

[15] Rick Ferguson, as quoted by Bobbie Johnson, p. 3.

Obama’s first day in office…

The President & his seal...

The President & his seal...

President Obama talks with his Chief of Staff in the Oval Office on day one...

President Obama talks with his Chief of Staff in the Oval Office on day one...

The President & First Lady greet visitors in the Blue Room during an open house at the White House...

The President & First Lady greet visitors in the Blue Room during an open house at the White House...

Obama enters his office for his first full day of work...

Obama enters his office for his first full day of work...

The first photo of President Obama in the Oval Office...

The first photo of President Obama in the Oval Office...

The Obamas, the Bidens & the Clintons attend a prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington at the start of Obamas first full day as president...

The Obamas, the Bidens & the Clintons attend a prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington at the start of Obama's first full day as president...

The President & First Lady at the prayer service...

The President & First Lady at the prayer service...

The Obamas arrive back at the White House after attending the prayer service at the National Cathedral...

The Obamas arrive back at the White House after attending the prayer service at the National Cathedral...

Obama meets with senior staff to discuss expectations regarding ethics & conduct...

Obama meets with senior staff to discuss expectations regarding ethics & conduct...

Obama signs executive orders during a meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building...

Obama signs executive orders during a meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building...

Obamas pen...

Obama's pen...

Obama emerges from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building after signing his first five executive orders...

Obama emerges from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building after signing his first five executive orders...

Obama greets Melody Barnes, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council...

Obama greets Melody Barnes, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council...

Obama greets White House Counsel Gregory Craig...

Obama greets White House Counsel Gregory Craig...

Members of Obamas senior staff are sworn in...

Members of Obama's senior staff are sworn in...

Obama is briefed on the economy by National Economic Director Lawrence Summers & members of his economic council at the White House...

Obama is briefed on the economy by National Economic Director Lawrence Summers & members of his economic council at the White House...

Obama raving in many inaugural balls…

President Obama addresses the crowd at the Youth Inaugural Ball...

The presidential limousine parked in front of the White House after the President & First Lady returned from the 10 inaugural balls they attended Tuesday night...

Vice President Joe Biden addresses the crowd at the Eastern Inaugural Ball in D.C.s Union Station...

Vice President Joe Biden addresses the crowd at the Eastern Inaugural Ball in D.C.'s Union Station...

The First Lady looks on as the President addresses attendees at the Eastern Inaugural Ball...

The First Lady looks on as the President addresses attendees at the Eastern Inaugural Ball...

The President & First Lady arrive at the Commander-in-Chief Ball...

The President & First Lady arrive at the Commander-in-Chief Ball...

The President & First Lady arrive at the Home States Ball...

The President & First Lady arrive at the Home States Ball...

Vice President Biden dances with Jill Biden at the Commander-In-Chief Ball...

Vice President Biden dances with Jill Biden at the Commander-In-Chief Ball...

The first dance of the evening at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball...

The first dance of the evening at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball...

Mariah Carey performs at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball...

Mariah Carey performs at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball...

Mary J. Blige as well...

Mary J. Blige as well...

D.L. Hughley interviews partygoers at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball...

D.L. Hughley interviews partygoers at the Neighborhood Inaugural Ball...

Obama’s Inaugural Ceremony…


“Our worst fear is not that  we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I not to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented & famous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God; your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone & as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

~ Nelson Mandela.

Who are we, indeed, not to achieve greatness?

The swearing in...

Choose Hope over Fear...

Bill & Hillary Clinton sitting alongside George Bush Senior...

Aretha Franklin sings "My Country 'Tis of Thee"...

Earlier in the morning, the Bushes greet the Obamas on the North Portico of the White House...

Obama & his wife Michelle bid farewell to Reverend Luis Leon outside St. John's Episcopal Church...

Magic Johnson, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, California Governer Arnold Schwarzenegger & Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson stand on the inaugural stage...

The End of An Era...

The year that was… 2009, here we come!


Guys, this is an article my small sister wrote for her high school newspaper which I thought was a good analysis of 2008. Feel free to share your thoughts on this!

2008 was probably the year that will go down in history as the most remarkable one. Records were broken, history was recorded & controversial decisions were made. As the curtains fall on the year 2008, let’s make a brief recap of the year that was…

Firstly, who’d want to remember all the post election violence & its devasting effects? As people were mercilessly killed, our politicians were busy arguing at KICC about spoilt Form 16As. An old African proverb says, “When two elephants fight, the grass suffers.” That was exactly what happened. Months down the line, Kenyans aren’t all smiles but a “grand coalition” was established. Will it be efficient? Will it lead Kenya to the land of manna? Only time will tell…

Secondly, the Olympics took another big chunk of the year. The festival held in Beijing was the most entertaining exhibition of sportsmanship. Kenyan athletes did us proud by getting a total of 19 medals & being the topmost ranked country in Africa. From Chepkoskey to Wanjiru… Yes, we did it!

On the other side of the world, economic crisis had reached its peak. It started with the fall of Wall Street then the rapid recession in its economy. It spread to Europe then to Eurasia & was later unleashed on Africa. This confirms that, “When America sneezes, Europe catches a cold, Asia gets a serious case of tuberculosis & Africa’s pnuemonia worsens.” How true! Apparently, crisis was the word of the game. Food crisis, oil crisis, economic crisis… The list is endless!

Every cloud has a silver lining. Obama is exactly that! Elected 44th President of the United States of America, the world rejoiced with disbelief. We embraced: “Yes we can!”, accepted it & because of those simple words, change came the world over. I think Kenyan politicians should emulate such a great man. In fact, to add insult to injury, he’s of Kenyan heritage! The “Son of Kogelo” is now the most powerful man in the world. Bulls were slaughtered, chickens had their last crow & there was plenty of merry-making. It was the post Obama euphoria.

With all the highs & lows, joys & sorrows , tears & laughter that we all faced this year, I only hope you played your part in being the change you want in the world. Oh! Don’t make resolutions you’ll know you won’t keep & most probably forget them by February.

Have a happy holiday & a splendid new year!

Jeptum Bullut,

Form 3L,

Riara Springs Girls High School.